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Personal Data Privacy Notice

Please refer our Privacy Notice which describes the following:

  1. Description and nature of Personal Data collection;
  2. Source of Personal Data collection (including cookies and usage tracking);
  3. Purpose of Personal Data collection;
  4. Requisite disclosure of Personal Data to third parties and the purpose of such disclosure;
  5. Confidentiality, security and retention of Personal Data;
  6. Individual’s right to access, correct and/or delete his/her Personal Data;
  7. Channel of communication for any concerns or requests

DKSH respects your privacy and is committed to safeguard your Personal Data. Therefore, please read our Privacy Notice and contact us should you require any clarification.

By entering/continuing your dealings or interactions with us, you are deemed to have agreed to the contents of the Privacy Notice including subsequent revisions and updates. In addition, you are also deemed to have obtained, to the extent required by applicable law or regulation, the appropriate consents for the processing of the personal data from the individuals whose Personal Data is communicated to us.

Click here to view and read our Privacy Notice:

