DKSH Business Line Food & Beverage Ingredients is a leading food ingredients distributor and global provider of Market Expansion Services for business partners in the beverage, dairy, confectionery and bakery, nutritional supplements, processed food and food service industries.

We provide food and beverage ingredients to manufacturers in the food and beverage industry, ranging from food raw materials to food additives and institutional products.

We help our customers to develop new innovative products and applications in collaboration with our valuable suppliers and our team of specialized staff.

Our product portfolio

We provide food and beverage ingredients to manufacturers in the following sectors of the food and beverage industry:

Beverage & Dairy

Our products
FBI Beverage and diary
  • Hydrocolloids
  • Starches
  • Proteins
  • Emulsifiers
  • Dietary fibres and fillers
  • Yeast products
  • Malt and grain products
  • Sugar products
  • Sweeteners
  • Enzymes
  • Flavor and flavoring substances
  • Natural colorings
  • Frozen, concentrated and dried fruit and vegetables
  • Amino acids and vitamins
  • Technical processing aids
  • Extracts and functional substances

Confectionery & Bakery

Our products
Confectionery & Bakery
  • Hydrocolloids
  • Starches
  • Proteins
  • Emulsifiers
  • Dietary fibres and fillers
  • Yeast products
  • Malt and grain products
  • Sugar products
  • Sweeteners
  • Enzymes
  • Flavor and flavoring substances
  • Natural colorings
  • Frozen, concentrated and dried fruit and vegetables
  • Amino acids and vitamins
  • Technical processing aids
  • Extracts and functional substances

Food Supplements & Nutrition

Our products
  • Proteins
  • Dietary fibers and fillers
  • Sweeteners
  • Flavors and flavoring substances
  • Amino acids and vitamins
  • Extracts and functional substances

Raw materials for meats, soup, sauces and condiments

Our products
  • Hydrocolloids
  • Starches
  • Proteins
  • Emulsifiers
  • Dietary fibres and fillers
  • Yeast products
  • Malt and grain products
  • Sugar products
  • Sweeteners
  • Enzymes
  • Flavor and flavoring substances
  • Natural colorings
  • Frozen, concentrated and dried fruit and vegetables
  • Amino acids and vitamins
  • Technical processing aids
  • Extracts and functional substances

DKSH Discover: Now available in Switzerland!Innovative ingredients and specialty chemicals at your digital fingertips

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Are you looking for a more convenient and accessible solution to source your specialty chemicals and ingredients? Well now you can access the vast range of products from DKSH Performance Materials 24/7!

Explore our brand new customer portal: DKSH Discover, a digital platform for specialty chemicals and ingredients for the food and beverage, personal care, pharmaceutical and specialty chemicals industries!

Start searching for your raw materials by application, composition, function, claims and more! > Go to DKSH Discover portal

Our core competences

Spark our imagination! Benefit from our expertise and many years of experience.

  • Trends
  • Ideas
  • Optimization
  • Communication
  • 360° support
  • Tailored solutions
  • Worldwide sourcing
  • Transparency
  • Efficiency
  • All-in logistics
  • Local/global
  • Trusted partners

We make extra efforts on your behalf and bring conviction and enthusiasm to your quest for the ultimate prize.

Success stories

  • Cooking Up the Finest Chocolate Recipes in Japan

    Cooking Up the Finest Chocolate Recipes in Japan

    A newly-opened Japanese chocolate retail store turned to DKSH when it needed something special to entice consumers. The result was a customized chocolate product and a unique recipe developed at Condirama Japan, DKSH’s innovative confectionery training and development center in Yokohama, Japan.

  • Hleks’ delightful candies prove to be a popping success in Malaysia

    Hleks’ delightful candies prove to be a popping success in Malaysia

    Already a global leading manufacturer of popping candies, Hleks showed that they still needed support from an established business partner to expand into new food service channels in the competitive Malaysian market.

  • Ichitan’s “Bireley’s” brand relaunch in Thailand

    In 2014, DKSH initiated a growth strategy for its Business Line Food & Beverage Industry in Thailand. At the same time, Thailand-based FMCG company Ichitan acquired “Bireley’s”, a trademark brand specializing in fruit beverages, for CHF 6.7 million. Ichitan selected DKSH as a supplier of key raw materials for their Bireley’s beverage products in order to relaunch the brand in Thailand.

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Facts and figures