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Enhancing Gold Mining Efficiency Through Holistic Approaches in Laos Listen with ReadSpeaker

In the face of remote issues that can interrupt operational efficiency in gold mining, DKSH provided rapid and effective solutions for our customer.

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Vangtat Mining is a reputable and forward-thinking mining company dedicated to responsible resource extraction. With a strong commitment to sustainability and responsible mining practices, Vangtat consistently delivers high-quality minerals while fostering economic growth in the regions where it operates.

Enhancing Gold Mining Efficiency through Holistic Approaches in Laos

We are satisfied regarding the readiness of the equipment that analyses at low concentration, there have been no issues, and the instrument can analyze all elements i.e. Au, Ag, Cu, etc. One more important thing is that ICP-MS can detect mass of elements very well.

Khai Vo Trieu, Head of Analysis