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Digital & IT Backbone

Digital & IT backbone

DKSH Digital & IT is dedicated to supporting a wide range of state-of-the-art system solutions that connect thousands of people around the world every day: from 29,000 employees in the DKSH Group to thousands of customers spanning 36 markets. 

Examples of solutions we provide include mobile customer relationship management, merchandising management, sales order management, logistics proof of delivery, inventory management.  

With 19.9 million transactions annually (over 1.5 million transactions each month), DKSH operates one of the largest single SAP instances in Asia. Our highly reliable global system forms the solid backbone for driving growth in our core business areas as well as continuously improving business processes through providing next-generation IT solutions.

DKSH Digital & IT employs 575 Digital & IT specialists across the globe and is centrally managed from DKSH Corporate Shared Services Center (CSSC) headquartered in the multiple platinum award-wining green building, Menara KEN TTDI in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Differentiation through innovation

Working at the forefront of digital transformation, we develop new technologies, shape standards and foster better collaboration. From optimizing sales effectiveness and productivity to enabling new processes to increase efficiencies internally, we’re committed to providing best-in-class solutions (including machine learning-driven approaches). These solutions help our customers and clients to grow their business intelligently so that they can always stay ahead of the evolving and fast-paced market.

DKSH Corporate Shared Services Center (CSSC)

Incorporated in 2004, DKSH Corporate Shared Services Center (CSSC) is the Group’s global hub for leading Digital & IT services, Business Process Operations and other Group Functions. Recognized as a Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) status company, CSSC continuously develops high-value services to transform business to be the preferred partner in this digital age.

Learn more about working at DKSH Digital & IT here.