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Three core areas to focus on when building smart data centers in Indonesia Listen with ReadSpeaker

Three core areas to focus on when building smart data centers in Indonesia

Interest for data centers in Indonesia has been significantly growing over the past several years.

Being the fourth most populous country with nearly 270 million people and the largest economy in Southeast Asia, the Indonesian market has been attracting several leading multinationals including Google, Alibaba and Amazon to set up data centers over here. With almost 65 percent of the population being active internet users, global eCommerce players do not hesitate to heavily invest in Indonesia.

Indeed, as it is the case in other growing markets across Asia, consumers are demanding for more localization and faster services. Those attributes are made possible with local efficient data centers with minimal latency in data transmission and the ability to provide high-resolution multimedia content in the fastest speed possible over both online and mobile channels.

From the need for more personalized content comes the topic of data security. The Indonesian government is rapidly tightening requirements to store citizen and consumer data locally for data protection and to prevent data leakages. This regulatory aspect is another decisive factor in localizing its data centers in Indonesia.

From theory to implementation: three success factors for your data center

Once businesses decided to set up a data center solution either for their own operations or for their customers in Indonesia, these are the three cores areas you need to focus on to avoid ending up with underutilized systems, stranded capacity and high operating costs.

The most important focus for the team setting up the data center is to reduce the time and costs involved throughout the lifetime of the facility. This includes planning and design of the location, troubleshooting during the installation and testing phases, software integration and the physical infrastructure/equipment changes required.


The new center shall also help the business to improve energy efficiency with higher power factor, precision cooling and management system technologies. Some of these latest data centers technology can help reduce energy consumption by up to 27 percent and can run up to 30 percent more efficiently as compared to a data center with conventional design.

If properly designed and implemented, a well-customized data center will allow optimizing the space utilization inside the premise. The latest smart or intelligent centers, for instance, enable footprint savings of up to 40 percent.


Once installed, your data center will require service, maintenance and evolution to cope with increasing needs. When primarily choosing your infrastructure, focus on how it can help you to control overall future functioning costs.


Today’s technology may help reduce maintenance costs by as much as 30 percent, thanks to longer lasting systems and decreased service disruption. You may think that you are buying a lower priced facility, but in the long run, you may end up paying more for costly equipment replacement and expensive room upgrades needed to properly fit in the equipment.

A robust data center is one that can easily amend, add or change IT policies along the way. With the fast-paced world of data, the IT administration team must be able to quickly react to these demands. With the right equipment, a data center may be able to response up to 30 percent faster to these requests than other conventional facilities.


In terms of safety and control, today’s smart data centers not only feature extensive monitoring capabilities to enable automated control of operating levels, but they also help boost productivity by streamlining system monitoring and management processes to ensure efficiency and constant availability of the systems to the administrator.


A good example of a well-planned data center installation is the one operated by the Directorate General of Immigration in Indonesia. With the help of DKSH, the department modernized and enhanced its data center in Jakarta.


The solution provided allowed the Immigration department’s IT team to cope with growing data demand and to increase service efficiency while complying with the latest regulations existing for data center infrastructure in Indonesia. Overall, the new facility is expected to lower the department’s operating expenses by 20 percent as compared to their previous data center.

Today’s data center is all about being agile and making your business competitive. You will achieve those goals by choosing the right data center solution meeting your current and future capacity, space utilization, availability and operations efficiency.

Share with me your thoughts and views on what other considerations you may have for your data center.


Benoit Fissot

About the author

Benoit Fissot has been a member of Country Management of DKSH Indonesia and Managing Director Business Unit Technology since 2017. In this function, Benoit oversees 80 specialists and five Business Lines: Special Industrial Applications (Vertiv Indonesia), Textile Machinery, Scientific Instrumentation, Hospitality Equipment and Precision Machinery.

Before joining DKSH, he spent more than nine years at Legrand, of which General Manager Indonesia was his last position. Benoit graduated from Reims Management School Reims, France and Queensland University of Technology Brisbane, Australia.