A Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) plays a crucial role in increasing the operational efficiency of laboratories. As a key lab automation technology, LIMS streamlines workflows and automates work processes, eliminating the need for manual information maintenance. It also facilitates hardware integration, including lab robotics and automated instruments.

How Good Informatics Helps Increase Productivity in Labs

LabVantage’s Bob Voelkner speaks with Rita Peters of PharmTech at CPhI NA 2019 on the impact of good informatics on productivity.

  • Automation: Eliminate non-value added activities by automating rote tasks that were traditionally done on paper. This includes hooking up lab instruments directly to LIMS to get results faster and eliminate errors, and using electronic worksheets to interface with other business applications.
  • Improved Data Integrity and Availability: Having results automatically driven into LIMS improves data integrity and makes results available faster with more confidence.
  • Work Assignment and Planning: The addition of a work assignment and planning tool allows labs to plan and optimize their workflow process, which helps to better utilize on-hand inventory sources and release finished product (information) back to the company quicker.

What is LIMS

LIMS, initially referred to as Laboratory Information Management System, has evolved to describe various management activities related to laboratory automation. As laboratory operations become more standardized and complex, there is an increased demand for diverse functionalities in LIMS.​

LIMS systems can be utilized for managing samples, instruments, inventory, providing quotes, invoicing, security management, audit trails, document creation, scheduling, replacing lab notebooks, ensuring regulatory compliance, and featuring management modules tailored for specific industry research needs (e.g., biobanking).

Introduce LabVantage

LabVantage LIMS is a single, unified platform with embedded ELN, LES, SDMS, and advanced analytics with machine learning that helps your lab run more efficiently. In addition, it can easily integrate with other software used such as financial, HR, or ERP applications, providing a completely automated solution for a dynamic and modern laboratory.​

  • LabVantage Analytics – advanced analytics that gives you full control to explore, analyze, and visualize lab and enterprise data to gain valuable insights and make better-informed decisions.​
  • LabVantage ELN – helps users easily capture, organize, and manage data, while collaborating on experiments.​
  • LabVantage LES – paperless test execution workflows, providing electronic worksheets to capture all testing data and enforce the stepwise execution of lab tests.​
  • LabVantage SDMS – enables the easy, secure capture of all instrument-related data files and results, simplifies data management, reduces data bottlenecks, and ensures data integrity.​
  • Portal – extends secure and appropriate self-service access to LIMS for external clients, eliminating manual requests for tests and other services while protecting valuable data in your LIMS database.​

Successful cases from a diverse array of brands

Need help with instrument support?​

Our Key Services to Make Your Lab Run Smoothly

After-Sales Services​

From installation to preventive maintenance, discover how we can optimize lab equipment operations, minimize downtime, and ensure full accreditation compliance. ​

Sample Testing

With our expertise in material sciences, life sciences, and chemical analysis, we can comprehend your analytical requirements and deliver reliable results.​

Turnkey Projects​

With our Turnkey Solutions, we aim to optimize the construction of facilities and utilities.​

Customer Training

Seminars, webinars, and end-user trainings we offer cover both practical and theoretical aspects of different industries and topics.​

Multi-Vendor Services

By offering comprehensive services beyond product offerings, we ensure optimal performance, calibration, and maintenance for a broad range of scientific instruments, providing you with a convenient, one-stop solution tailored to your needs.​

Application Development

Established in 2018, our APAC Center of Excellence develops technical and application expertise across the Material, Food, Pharma, and Life Science segments, providing customers with tailored solutions and supporting partners in expanding regionally.​


With our calibration processes designed to meet and exceed ISO/IEC 17025 standards, we focus not only on recalibrating instruments but also on providing comprehensive insights into your usage and maintenance.​

Overhaul and Trade-ins​

Our sustainable and innovative solutions extend the life of scientific instruments while keeping laboratories at the forefront of research.​


We offer specialized lab relocation services that are designed to maintain the integrity of your research environment while moving sensitive equipment.​