On December 14, DKSH Korea hosted the “Korea Kids Science Adventure”, a special program designed for employees’ children, at its office laboratory in Seoul. The event provided elementary school students with the opportunity to participate in hands-on experiments, learn scientific principles, and gain an appreciation for the importance of sustainability.
Seoul, South Korea, December 18, 2024 – DKSH organized the “Korea Kids Science Adventure” for employees’ children and utilized advanced laboratory equipment as well as scientific techniques from DKSH Korea’s Technology Business Unit to make science both accessible and engaging. The young participants conducted a series of interactive experiments, including mixing and separating oil and water with a vortex mixer, exploring density differences by separating rice water using a centrifuge, and extracting DNA from tangerines. These activities sparked scientific curiosity and encouraged participants to enjoy the thrill of discovery.
A special parent-child activity added deeper meaning to the event. DKSH employees and their children collaborated to assemble tin-can robots, combining creativity and teamwork with a message of sustainability. By using recycled materials, the activity naturally introduced children to the importance of resource reuse and environmental protection. One parent shared that “this event was a wonderful opportunity to spend meaningful time with my child, and it inspired their interest in sustainability and creative problem-solving.”
This event demonstrated DKSH Korea’s commitment to fostering a family-friendly corporate culture while embracing the global value of sustainability. The company plans to continue providing programs that encourage the growth and connection of employees and their families.
Gyerim Kim, president and Head of DKSH Business Unit Technology Korea, remarked; “Through the ‘Korea Kids Science Adventure’, we hope that the children not only discovered the joys of science but also developed creative thinking and an appreciation for sustainability. DKSH Korea will continue to plan programs that support the growth of its employees,their families, and the local community.”
For more information please contact:
DKSH Korea Ltd.
Elin Sim
Senior Specialist, Marketing Communications
Phone: +82 2192 9500
Email: elin.sim@dksh.com
DKSH Korea Ltd.
Bora Gil
Manager, Technology Marketing
Phone: +82 2192 9723
Email: bora.gil@dksh.com