DataPhysics – DCAT – Dynamic Contact Angle Measuring Devices and Tensiometer
The dynamic contact angle measuring devices and tensiometer of the DCAT series are universal measuring devices for the force-based measurement of interfacial parameters and phenomena.
Surface tension acts to contract and minimise any liquid surface. If a surface is being enlarged by the formation of a liquid lamella, as a test body, such as a Wilhelmy plate or Du Noüy ring, is in contact with it, the surface tension exerts a tensile force that can be measured. Within a tensiometer this force is measured by a high precision weighing system and, hence, the surface tension of the liquid can be calculated.
Using a tensiometer, also the interfacial tension between two liquids can be measured with the help of a test body. Since tensiometry is based on force measurements it is – in contrast to the optical analysis of pendant drops – not necessary that one of the liquids is transparent or that the refractive index differs between the two liquids. Therefore, tensiometry is in many cases a handy alternative to the optical measurement of surface and interfacial tensions.
Key Features
Dynamic Contact Angle Measuring Devices and Tensiometer
- Electrodynamic compensation weighing system of highest resolution with automatic and manual calibration function
- Software controlled, motor-driven height positioning of the sample receptacles with variable speed
- Automatic coupling lock for the balance
- Automatic crash protection for measuring probes during measurement
- Closed illuminated sample chamber
- Digital thermometer with connections for two Pt 100 temperature sensors
- Includes a TP 50 control panel with touch screen and precision control wheel
- Compatible with the liquid dosing unit LDU 25
- Compatible with the Langmuir trough module LTMr
Key Industries
- Aerospace
- Automotive
- Biopharmaceutical and Biotechnology
- Chemical
- Construction
- Cosmetics & Personal Care
- Die & Mould
- Education & Academics
- Electronics
- Energy
- Environmental
- Food & Beverage
- Luxury
- Machinery & Manufacturing
- Medical
- Mining & Minerals
- Oil & Gas
- Paper & Wood
- Pharmaceutical
- Polymers, Plastics and Rubbers
- Powders & Pigments / Coating
- Semiconductor, Solar & Electronics
- Service
- Textile
- Wholesale & Retail
DataPhysics Instruments offers a wide range of measuring devices for the analysis of the chemical and physical properties of surfaces…