Eric Yiu

My scope of work

Working for the DKSH Hong Kong Business Unit Technology, my scope of work is to introduce advanced solutions under our own developed brand, “TECXellence”. Ranging from carparking infrastructure to temperature measurement and access control solution, to our customers. My daily essentials involve identifying new business opportunities, understanding customers’ needs and then delivering beyond expectations.

My memorable experience in DKSH

DKSH Hong Kong Business Unit Technology differentiates itself with its unique solutions designed for each and every customer and project. Being part of the sales team, I uphold an entrepreneurship to navigate with customers through our incomparable concepts. Once the tender is awarded, I collaborate with the Research & Development team to kick-start the development and work closely with the Procurement team for precision sourcing. For sure, numerous meetings are called for robust conversations with customers are always a guarantee. The exciting part being the final deployment of the solution which meets both the budget and stringent lead time. However, this stage never means the end of our journey, rather, we continue working with customer to fine-tune and enhance the design to meet the constant changes.

Fun facts about working at DKSH

Working in the DKSH TEC team means a sense of self-fulfillment and reaching an united achievement. Despite various challenges, our common goal guides us and brings us together, and to learn from and care of each other. Standing at one of the leading positions in the Hong Kong car parking market, I am more than happy to hear our customers say DKSH is their one and only trusted partner to putting their idea into reality.