DKSH Vietnam Customer Care Center Is Honored Regionally

In October 2023, at the International Contact Center Awards 23rd, the Contact Center Association of Singapore (CCAS) awarded the "Best Contact Center to Work" award to DKSH Vietnam company. This is also the only representative of Vietnam to be honored in this category this year.

Annually, CCAS presents awards in the customer care business for categories such as Best Customer Care Center; Best Place to Work, or Outstanding Customer Care Staff... The award requires participating units to demonstrate initiatives that have resulted in exceptional successes in the customer service center management process.

95% of customers’ inquiries are answered on the first call
Representatives of the Customer Care Center, Omni-channel, Healthcare Business, and DKSH Vietnam, who shared their story of being acknowledged for their department, believe that this is recognition of a new industry in Vietnam.

Ms. Nguyen Hoang Diem, Associate Director, Customer Care, Omni-channel, Healthcare Business Unit, DKSH Vietnam, shared:
The reviewing process took months and numerous phases, and the award that DKSH participated in was the "Best Place to Work" category for Customer Care Center with a scale of up to 100 employees. DKSH Vietnam's Customer Care Department is one of three businesses rewarded with a bronze award for the "Best Contact Center to Work" category this year and the only Vietnamese representative of 2023. It is known that CCAS only selects three individuals or organizations to grant awards annually and the number of winners may be fewer if they do not meet the criteria.

To pass a rigorous appraisal procedure grounded in scientific evaluation standards, our department had to provide detailed information concerning the organization's culture, basic values, objectives, and tactics, human resource development, personnel retention strategies, and in particular, the Customer Care Department's operating procedures,... Or the methods assess how productive employees are at work, factors that encourage employees to remain with the organization,... Additionally, each information needs to be supported by a detailed proof number.

During the interview phase, we conducted an online interview with the board of examiners comprised of five well-known customer service specialists from developed nations. The jury's goal in conducting this interview is to evaluate the authenticity of the participating unit's business narratives.

The award event attracted many sizable companies in the customer service industry, as well as candidates from financial institutions, global firms, and well-known service providers. Therefore, it is evident that this award focuses on diversifying topics as well as businesses, ranging from the hotel, banking, and financial sectors to the technology and retail industries.

DKSH Vietnam is proud to receive recognition at the awards ceremony; this is a demonstration of the efforts to enhance the quality of customer care to provide clients with the optimal service experience. Given that the prize was awarded in Singapore, a hub for regional service development, this has changed Vietnam's viewpoint and standing in this emerging service sector...

In your opinion, what are the criteria for awarding "Customer care center with the best working environment"?

Accordingly, DKSH's core values are committed to Integrity, Trust, Collaboration, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability. With these 5 core values, the human resources team of the customer care department always understands and acts according to this orientation in the process of working, contacting, and serving partners and customers.
The human factor is constantly prioritized at DKSH. It is the "People DNA," tailored to different individual positions. The Customer Care Department has achieved the highest contribution values for the organization by developing a distinct culture and identity for each level that is linked to the aim and core values.

Although this is a new industry, in your opinion, does it have any opportunities and challenges to develop?
Ms. Nguyen Thanh Giang, General Manager, Omni-channel, Sales & Marketing, Business Unit Healthcare, DKSH Vietnam
We are facing some challenges when the demand of the industry in service standards is higher, and human resources still need to meet the needs of this industry. 
DKSH's main customers are experts, entrepreneurs, etc. So, we require personnel to be equipped with solid professional knowledge and skills to provide effective customer care services.

For example, any user can explain the uses of a cosmetic product in general. However, if customers want to know more about the specific ingredients in the product, customer care staff must be properly trained to answer questions scientifically and professionally.

To make the customer care service process run smoothly and retain customers, we have trained our staff with the necessary skills to resolve customer inquiries from the first call (First Call Resolution) with an achievement of over 95%.

The personnel from DKSH customer care center are answering customer’s questions
To reach and ensure this ratio, we require our staff to go through the process of gaining in-depth knowledge about services and products and proficiently use technology solutions to support work... Along with the efforts of our personnel, we constantly build an ideal working environment that brings benefits to employees so that they can seek value and meaning at work.

Relax room’s secret
What does DKSH Vietnam do for a healthy and balanced working environment?
Our Customer Care Center contributes greatly to sales for DKSH’s Business Unit Healthcare, so the working environment is an extremely important factor in helping bring about this efficiency and success. DKSH offers an in-depth training program to supplement knowledge of human resources. In addition, we provide a modern specialized system with the most advanced version to support employees during their work, ensuring accurate information to customers.

We also equip specific performance measurement indicators and set KPIs for each level, helping employees to be recognized for their achievements according to their abilities.

In addition, DKSH proactively prepares extracurricular activities, workshops, and sharing sessions from experts,... to relieve stress during working hours and encourage morale for employees. We also maintain in-depth skills training sessions to help employees handle stress and pressure at work. This is also one of the criteria that helped DKSH Vietnam win the "Best Contact Center to Work" award because this award requires businesses to balance the company's sustainable development with employee satisfaction.

At DKSH, every 6 months we have a survey of employee satisfaction, and employees' opinions or suggestions will be considered for inclusion in the action plan. The best workplaces are not only those with the highest sales growth but also where employees feel the value of their contributions every day. At DKSH employee satisfaction, and engagement are always a priority in our business development activities.

The customer care service industry is also an industry that has a psychological impact on workers. What does DKSH do to "protect" them?
To equip employees with professional skills, we continuously organize training sessions to improve situation handling and professional knowledge. Besides, we also create a "relax room" to help employees overcome potential work stress. Employees have a relaxing, comfortable space equipped with melodious music, and soothing scenery... helping employees find balance, regain positive energy, and then return to focus on their work.