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Dilatometry is a method of measuring changes in sample size as it's heated or cooled. The technique provides information about a sample’s phase transitions and structural changes. It's also helpful in evaluating materials' shrinkage during sintering. The DIL820 series dilatometers feature a vertical pushrod design that measures sample expansion over a wide temperature range. The dilatometers use proprietary True Differential technology to improve accuracy and data quality. The vertical design is particularly useful for measuring softening samples and sintering powders. The DIL820 is an excellent choice for labs that require high accuracy and productivity.

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Technical Specifications

DIL 820 HT Series DIL 822
Maximum Sample Length 25 mm 25 mm
Maximum Sample Diameter DIL 821HT: 10 mm
DIL 822HT: 5 mm
6 mm
CTE Accuracy 0.03 10-6 K-1 0.01 10-6 K-1
Temperature Range -160˚C to 2300˚C (*) -160˚C to 2300˚C (*)
Max Furnace Temperature -160°C to 700°C RT to 1100°C
Sample Temperature Range -150°C to 650°C RT to 1000°C
Max Heating Rate 50°C/min 60°C/min

(*) Depending on furnace option. See furnace specifications for full details.

For more information, please refer to the brochure.

Available models

DIL 820 HT

The 820HT Series operates up to high temperatures in a vertical orientation , making it uniquely set up for the analysis of sintering, studies in Rate Controlled Sintering (RCS) mode and the determination of dilatometric parameters of samples otherwise Impossible to be correctly analyzed on classic dilatometers with horizontal design.

Available in two different models (DIL 821HT and DIL 822HT), both the units feature the new optical encoder with 1nm resolution. That when combined with the True Differential of the DIL822HT, the result is simply the best possible sensitivity and CTE accuracy in the high temperatures segment.

Unlike in horizontal dilatometry the vertical design does not require the sample to be supported. The specimen stands free on the bottom plate and the pushrod is loaded on its tip.

The vertical configuration is particularly well suited for syntherization studies and for all those sample that result difficult if not impossible to be measured with horizontal pushrod dilatometers, like for instance powder samples and samples that during the test develop a vitreous phase. That would lead the sample to interact with the sample holder hence generate friction. A major source of errors in the measurement of dilatometric parameters.

Equipped with a linear motor able to generate a constant force throughout the experiment ,DIL 821HT’s and DIL 822HT’s ensure the contact with sample is maintained linear and with the lightest possible force regardless of the dimensional change.

DIL 822

The 820 Series operate in a vertical orientation, making it uniquely set up for the analysis of sintering, studies in Rate Controlled Sintering (RCS) mode and the determination of dilatometric parameters of samples otherwise difficult to be analyzed on classic dilatometers with horizontal design.

Available in two different models  (DIL 821 and DIL 822), both units feature the new optical encoder with a 1nm resolution.  

Combined with the True Differential of the DIL822, the result is the best possible sensitivity and CTE accuracy on the market.

Unlike in horizontal dilatometry the vertical design does not require the sample to be supported. The specimen stands free on the bottom plate and the pushrod is loaded on its tip.

The vertical configuration is particularly well suited for sintering studies and all those samples that are difficult to test with horizontal pushrod dilatometers. For instance, powder samples and samples develop vitreous phases during the test.

Equipped with a linear motor capable of generating a constant force throughout the experiment, DIL 820 Series allows for the lightest possible force regardless of the extent of the specimen’s dimensional changes.

Dilatometry - TA Instruments

DIL 820 Series Vertical Dilatometers

TA instrumentsTA instruments provides innovative material characterization instruments that are widely used for research, analysis, and quality control in the evaluation of physical properties. We are the world’s leading supplier of thermal analysis, rheology, and microcalorimetry instruments, and our product areas have expanded to include thermal conductivity & diffusivity, dilatometry, rubber testing, and dynamic mechanical characterization.