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Banking of the future: Is your infrastructure ready?

The banking and financial industries are at the forefront of digital innovation. Today it's all about customer experience. From digital and mobile services to exploring advanced technologies such as the Internet of Things (loT), primary emphasis is now in removing friction from the customer journey, delivering services that  make financial transactions a breeze. To make this happen, you need a robust IT infrastructure that can support your digital initiatives. A holistic approach in power, thermal management and monitoring technologies is essential.

Commercial/retail banks

  • Wider array of customer data
  • Channels and Delivery systems are more distributed
  • IT is integral to operations and to customer outreach

Investment banks

  • High Frequency Trading
  • Infrastructure needs to be more centralized
  • Investment banks need more computing power
  • IT is integral to operations and to customer outreach

Distributed network

  • Each point of the network equally critical
  • Visibility and Control is key

IT is critical to operations

  • IT is not only key to operations, but is also an integral part of customer outreach (i.e. online banking, branch kiosks)

Intense competition

  • Focus on relaibilty as differentiation
  • Highly time-critical transactions need high reliability (i.e. investment banking)


Manage CAPEX and OPEX

  • Optimize Integration of Existing and New Equipment
  • Manage OPEX and increase operational efficiencies