[Adverse Event Report]

To report an adverse event related to the DKSH Korea product, Please complete the attached AE report form and submit it to the following email. 

If you would like to report directly to the institution, Please use this site(nedrug.mfds.go.kr) or contact to the medicine side effect reporting center with the following method.

  • Website(nedurg.mfds.go.kr) > Electronic civil Service/report > Adverse Event > Domestic Adverse report (General)
  • Medicine side effect reporting center : 1644-6223
  • Adverse Event refers to undesirable and unintended signs, symptoms or diseases that occur after or during administration of a drug, and do not necessarily have a causal relationship with the drug, etc.
  • The contents of the report are utilized and kept for collecting safety and quality information in accordance with the relevant domestic and international laws and for reporting to domestic and foreign health institutions
  • Our company complies with the relevant laws and regulations in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act. For more information, Please refer to the agreement form at the bottom of the report of Adverse event.