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The constant monitoring of temperature, pressure and humidity is crucial in numberless segments of the oil and gas and chemical industry.

We offer a wide range of instruments and solutions to assist our customers in the petroleum testing sector to develop and optimize processes. Our scientific instruments ensure that you can run fast and accurate quality controls in your laboratories to support your manufacturing and process development.

Acquisition and exploration / Production / Sample preparation

Refining / Quality assurance and quality control

Analytical solutions for field, laboratory and process

By combining robust and reliable systems, industry expertise and support, we assist you in improving efficiency throughout the value chain ranging from raw materials exploration to final quality control.

We have helped many business partners to succeed in markets around the world. Learn how we have supported them to create new opportunities and become market leaders.

Food examination in laboratory

The Scientific Solutions industry is innovative and highly competitive. Our experts keep you informed of industry and market developments, so you can benefit from their first-hand knowledge.