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Koehler - Tribology - Grease Noise Tester

The Grease Noise Tester evaluates the lubrication integrity of greases, providing a quantitative assessment of the noise characteristics of the grease. The use of clean lubricants is essential for obtaining long bearing life. A clean grease for initial lubrication as well as re-lubrication are essential to ensure machine longevity. In applications where bearing fatigue life is not critical such as low operating loads, a clean grease is essential to ensure low bearing noise required for many electric motor applications. 

The Grease Noise Tester measures the specific disturbances caused by the rolling of particulates called vibration peaks, and features a proprietary Peak Detection Algorithm that singles out these vibration peaks from the total bearing vibration signal. The number of vibration peaks and their intensity are analyzed to determine a quantitative value for quiet running behavior of the bearing. In addition, the "grease damping ability" can be evaluated for a direct comparison between the running of a dry bearing versus the running of a lubricated bearing. Designed for proper testing while minimizing the risk of outside contamination, the semi-automated tester utilizes computer-controlled grease dosages and peak measurements on a single test bearing of special low noise quality.

Available models

Koehler - Tribology - Grease Noise Tester
Technical Specifications
Spindle System
Hydrodynamic oil spindle
Spindle Speed
1800 rpm
Air Supply
Pneumatic system, min. 5.5bar dry air
Axial Loading System
Pneumatic, 30 N maximum
  • Model No: K94300
  • 400-460V, 50/60 Hz, 3 Phase

Key features

  • Quantitative evaluation of grease/bearing noise characteristics
  • Peak Detection Algorithm for detection of vibration peaks
  • Data Acquisition Software package to monitor, record, and evaluate data
  • High quality test spindle rotating at 1800 rpm
  • Pneumatic loading device for the test bearing
  • Aerospace
  • Automotive
  • Chemical
  • Machinery & Manufacturing
  • Mining & Minerals
  • Oil & Gas
Koehler Instrument CompanyProviding quality testing instrumentation and technical support services for research and testing laboratories has been our specialty since 1925. Meeting your testing needs is the primary focus of our business, which is why Koehler Instrument Company is a leading producer and supplier of petroleum, synfuels and petrochemical instrumentation worldwide. At Koehler, we pride ourselves in innovation. In a time of continuous technological advancement and transition we are constantly implementing new and improved ways to surpass the needs of an ever-evolving industry. Koehler products are backed by our staff of technically knowledgeable, trained specialists who are experienced in both petroleum products testing and instrument service, which is carried out either on site or at a Koehler service center.