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Ohaus - Adventurer Precision Balance

Striking the ideal balance between inventive features and functional, uncomplicated weighing capabilities, the OHAUS Adventurer incorporates all of the applications necessary for routine weighing and measurement activities. With a color touchscreen, GLP/GMP compliance capabilities, two USB ports, and much more, Adventurer is the most complete balance in its class.

Fast stabilization and reliable operation are enhanced by the AutoCalTM option to ensure solid weighing performance and accurate, repeatable results for standard laboratory applications.

The wide viewing angle color touchscreen provides access to all of Adventurer’s applications, while dual USB ports with GLP/GMP tracking capabilities assist in the monitoring and reporting of data.

The 1mg models have a two piece, top-mounted draftshield with doors that open wide, providing ample room for sample placement, while the 0.01g and 0.1g models feature large weighing pans.


Technical specifications

Model Maximum capacity Readability Pan size
AX223 220 g 1 mg 5.1 in (130 mm)
AX423 420 g 1 mg 5.1 in (130 mm)
AX523 520 g 1 mg 5.1 in (130 mm)
AX622 620 g 0.01 g 7.7 in x 6.9 in (195 mm x 175 mm)
AX1502 1,520 g 0.01 g 7.7 in x 6.9 in (195 mm x 175 mm)
AX2202 2,200 g 0.01 g 7.7 in x 6.9 in (195 mm x 175 mm)
AX4202 4,200 g 0.01 g 7.7 in x 6.9 in (195 mm x 175 mm)
AX5202 5,200 g 0.01 g 7.7 in x 6.9 in (195 mm x 175 mm)
AX4201 4,200 g 0.1 g 7.7 in x 6.9 in (195 mm x 175 mm)
AX8201 8,200 g 0.1 g 7.7 in x 6.9 in (195 mm x 175 mm)

Key features

  • Fast stabilization and reliable operation
  • Wide viewing angle color touchscreen


OHAUS Adventurer® Analytical and Precision Balances (EN)

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  • ชีวเภสัชกรรมและเทคโนโลยีชีวภาพ
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  • แม่พิมพ์
  • การศึกษาและวิชาการ
  • อิเล็กทรอนิกส์
  • สิ่งแวดล้อม
  • อาหารและเครื่องดื่ม
  • เครื่องจักรและการผลิต
  • ทางการแพทย์
  • เหมืองแร่และแร่ธาตุ
  • น้ำมันและก๊าซ
  • ออฟติคอล
  • กระดาษและไม้
  • เภสัชกรรม
  • โพลิเมอร์พลาสติกและยาง
  • ผงและสี / การเคลือบ
  • เซมิคอนดักเตอร์, พลังงานแสงอาทิตย์และอิเล็กทรอนิกส์
  • สิ่งทอ
OhausHeadquartered in Parsippany, NJ, OHAUS Corporation manufactures an extensive line of high-precision electronic and mechanical balances and scales and a growing range of laboratory equipment and analytical instruments to support the needs of a range of industries. We are a global leader in laboratory, industrial, and education markets as well as a host of specialty markets, including food preparation, pharmacy and jewelry. An ISO 9001:2008 manufacturer, OHAUS products are precise, reliable, affordable, and are backed by industry-leading customer support.
[Precision balance]