Nuestro equipo digital le ayuda a impulsar el crecimiento empresarial mediante la transformación digital.
A través de una red integrada de sistemas digitales, DKSH aprovecha la agilidad operativa y aplica análisis avanzados para comprender mejor las tendencias del sector y las necesidades de sus clientes.
DKSH apoya a sus socios comerciales para comercializar y vender sus productos a través de un enfoque omnicanal que implica la automatización del marketing digital, ‘marketplaces’ de la industria especializada y DKSH Discover, un portal para especialidades químicas e ingredientes.
La combinación de todos estos servicios permite a los socios comerciales de DKSH mantenerse a la vanguardia y seguir siendo competitivos.
Core competences
We provide you with:
Information, trend analysis and marketing
Our specialist teams in markets around the world are connected through our fully integrated information management system. Leveraging the latest state-of-the-art digital tools, we connect our specialists to provide real-time interaction and information transfer.
We partner with market intelligence experts to provide crucial trend analysis data to our business development teams. We source local market insights to support a global perspective and ensure you remain ahead of the competition.
You receive fully integrated GDPR-compliant digital marketing content to provide access to the most innovative products from our extensive portfolios.
Best-in-class reporting
Our state-of-the-art digital CRM tools allow us to provide you with customized best-in-class reporting. Our systems provide reports that are customized to specific needs, consolidating data on activities and progress into overviews and deep multi-layered analysis.
By providing you with transparency in a way that works for you, we add tangible value to our long-standing relationships. We have even won awards for our reporting capabilities.
Additionally, to streamline business and information exchange, we also help to create custom integration with the systems of our business partners.