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BioDrop µLITE+ Focus on micro-volume measurement performance.

BioDrop DUO+ Boost your micro-volume capability.

BioDrop CUVETTE So simple, you'll wonder why no-one has done it before.

Technical specification

BioDrop µLITE BioDrop DUO
Minimum Volume 0.5 µL 0.5 µL
Maximum Concentration 2,500ng/µL 2,500ng/µL
Detection Limit 1ng/µL 1ng/µL
Detector 1024 element CCD array 1024 element CCD array
Light Source Pulsed Xenon lamp with 3-year warranty Pulsed Xenon lamp with 3-year warranty
Wavelength Range 190 – 1100nm 190 – 1100nm
Wavelength Accuracy ± 2nm ± 2nm
Wavelength Reproducibility ± 1nm ± 1nm
Dimensions 420 x 260 x 185mm 420 x 260 x 185mm
Weight approx. 3kg approx. 3kg

Available models

BioDrop µLITE+

BioDrop µLITE is the best choice for micro-volume measurement when you need speed without sacrificing accuracy or precision. With no moving parts, the unique in-built sample port offers unrivalled performance delivering a dsDNA detection limit of 1ng/µL. Because the pathlength doesn’t change, the instrument provides excellent measurement reproducibility. Measurements made with the BioDrop µLITE are also highly accurate because the pathlength is specified to +/- 5µm.

BioDrop DUO+

BioDrop DUO UV/Vis spectrophotometer has two measurement modes: a unique in-built sample port unrivalled dsDNA detection limit of 1ng/µl PLUS a cuvette holder for the revolutionary BioDrop CUVETTE 125, ideal for highly concentrated samples.

BioDrop DUO is quick and easy to use. It has a large capacitive color touch screen with on-board software for data acquisition and analysis. Pre-programmed methods for DNA, RNA, oligos and proteins in the onboard software reduce the time from measurement to results. In addition, data generated using the onboard software can be stored internally or transferred using a USB memory stick. Alternatively, both the PC-only and standalone instruments can be controlled using a PC and BioDrop Resolution Software. Users can also choose an optional built-in thermal printer for maximum flexibility.


BioDrop is an innovative solution for accurate low volume spectroscopy, providing the simplest way for life scientists to accurately quantify microlitre volumes of DNA and protein in almost any UV / Vis spectrophotometer.

The BioDrop micro-volume cuvette overcomes many of the disadvantages of conventional low volume instruments and is a valuable tool for the modern life sciences laboratory combining ease of use and greater accuracy than other techniques.

Key features

  • Never have to calibrate the in-built sample port uses no moving parts providing outstanding measurement performance
  • First of its kind in-built sample port for micro-volume measurements
  • Fast operation – switch on and measure a DNA sample in <4 seconds with only 4 screen touches
  • Large, high-resolution, capacitive color touchscreen on standalone instrument
  • The in-built sample port is easy to clean and maintain
  • USB connectivity for easy PC connection or data export
  • BioDrop Resolution Life Science PC software for powerful analysis

Measuring DNA using the BioDrop DUO in-built sample port

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  • อาหารและเครื่องดื่ม
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  • ทางรถไฟ
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  • การบริการ
  • สิ่งทอ
  • ค้าปลีกค้าส่ง

BioDrop - a fresh new approach for life scientists making micro-volume measurements of DNA, RNA, proteins and oligos with unmatched accuracy, precision and speed. BioDrop offers flexibility - with different micro-volume measurement platforms including the revolutionary BioDrop CUVETTE and a unique in-built sample port with unrivalled detection limit of 1 ng/7µL - or both in one instrument.

Biodrop specialises in maintenance-free products designed for measuring DNA concentration, Protein concentration and much more. The Nanodrop products that Biodrop have successfully deal with the increasing need for micro-volume quantitation and analysis by being the founder in solving the sample conservation issue making use of fiber optic technology and surface tension properties.
