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Functional Beverages Continue to See Opportunities in Asia Pacific Listen with ReadSpeaker

Functional Beverage Asia Pacific

From mental well-being to maintaining a healthy immune system, many consumers in the Asia Pacific are eager to explore new products with multiple health benefits, creating potential for beverage companies across both physical and mental health spaces.

In China, for example, healthy drinks that boast immune support and energy-boosting claims, particularly those containing Vitamin C, are among the most popular types of bottled water, according to Euromonitor International.

In recent years, many people in Asia Pacific have also begun to increase their awareness of mental and emotional well-being, with a growth in the numbers of those who look for special diets and other methods to relieve stress and anxiety as well as alleviate sleep.

Read this article from Euromonitor to know how brands can educate consumers about functional drinks in Asia Pacific here.