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Understanding Zero Consumerism Among Shoppers in Asia

Zero Consumerism in Asian Shoppers

Zero consumers, attributed as omnichannel shoppers, is a growing segment in Asia. They are no longer loyal to any brands or stores, and they will find items at prices that best align with health and sustainability values. For companies to stay on par with the trend and not fall behind, they need to understand the driving factors behind zero consumerism in Asia.

There are several characteristics that differentiate zero consumers from traditional consumers. Zero consumers want zero boundaries in their shopping experience and expect retailers to be consistent with their physical and digital offerings. A recent survey conducted by McKinsey shows that consumers nowadays are shopping in more channels based on prices, availability, and convenience.

Zero consumers are also more particular in the prices of certain items. While they prefer to save their money on some categories, they are not afraid of splurging on other products or services. Another survey also reported that consumers will switch store or brand if they can get better value from the other. This can be in the form of lower prices, attractive promotions, or charging low or free for deliveries.

Continue reading to learn what can companies do to reinvent their brand in order to keep their pace with zero consumerism in this McKinsey article.