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Mining and minerals

“If it can’t be grown, it must be mined.” Natural resources form the foundation of societies' lives and mining has played a key role throughout the millennia. From ancient Egypt to the Industrial Age and the ability of mass production, progress has led to our current demand for bigger, faster and stronger products.

The life-cycle of mining begins with exploration, continues through production before ending with closure and postmining land use. The ability to carry out fast and accurate analyses is very important to mining laboratories and is vital to critical decision-making. We provide analytical services suitable from greenfields exploration through to mine closure, including sample preparation and a wide range of state-of-the-art mineral testing services:

  • Standard mineral sample preparation (dry, crush, split and pulverize)
  • Advanced exploration including lithium borate and sodium peroxide fusions
  • Particle size analysis
  • Ores and concentrates chemical composition, including iron ore, nickel laterite, aluminum ore (bauxite), chromite ore, manganese ore, industrial minerals, refractory minerals and others
  • Mineralogical analyses and phase determination

Contact us to discuss your analytical needs

Measurement types

Particle size distribution

Particle size analysis in the range 0.01-3500 microns. For nanoparticle analysis see dedicated section.


Morphological analysis of particles in the range 0.5-10000 microns (size, shape and transparency of particles). Integrated Raman chemical analysis with MDRS (Morphologically Directed Raman Spectroscopy).

Nanoparticle characterization

Size, concentration and zeta potential anlysis of nano-systems using light scattering techniques such as DLS, ELS and NTA techniques.

Elemental analysis

XRF provides both qualitative and quantitative information on a wide variety of sample types. It can quantify elements from beryllium (Be) up to americium (Am) in concentrations from 100% down to sub-ppm level.

Phase identification

Phase identification is the most important application of X-ray diffraction (XRD). It is not only applied on powder samples but also on polycrystalline solids, suspensions and thin films.