Utilize Thermo Scientific™ Precision Plant Growth Chambers with dual-lamp fluorescent lighting for uniform illumination—offering programmable temperature settings which enable users to take control of light cycles which allow for a 7-day program with 2 light cycles per day.
Grow plants in the classroom with the Thermo Scientific™ Plant Growth Chamber, designed for botanical and agricultural research applications including seed germination studies, plant pathology, plant tissue culture studies and plant genetic research.
Utilize Thermo Scientific™ Precision Plant Growth Chambers with dual-lamp fluorescent lighting for uniform illumination—offering programmable temperature settings which enable users to take control of light cycles which allow for a 7-day program with 2 light cycles per day. Thermo Scientific Precision Plant Growth Chambers are best used for seed germination and plant growth applications.
Grow plants in the classroom with the Thermo Scientific™ Plant Growth Chamber, designed for botanical and agricultural research applications including seed germination studies, plant pathology, plant tissue culture studies and plant genetic research. Chamber accommodates plant, animal and culture studies in the classroom.
14.2 cu. ft. (396L) Countertop Model