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Enriching People’s Lives by Maintaining Internet During Lockdown in Indonesia Listen with ReadSpeaker Articles

Enriching People’s Lives by Maintaining Internet Connections During Lockdown in Indonesia

During the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia, large-scale social restrictions were put in place. With many more people going online, our partners experienced increased traffic to their data centers and server facilities. As these are crucial services to provide people and organizations with stable internet connections, our partners needed to ensure that their facilities were working smoothly.

But technical problems did arise which our engineers needed to quickly fix to keep connectivity and play our part in supporting our local communities. With the data centers situated in harder-to-reach locations and the lockdown restrictions in place, we strived to come up with out-of-the-box solutions to get our engineers to the locations while ensuring their safety and the safety of our customers and the public.

One of our engineers overcame huge regulatory challenges to fly over 750 kilometers to Kalimantan Island to troubleshoot a problem at a customer’s data center facilities. He was thereby able to restore network connectivity for the province of West Kalimantan. Another time, two of our engineers managed to travel to a partner’s data center situation on the other side of Jakarta to provide critical support to ensure that the server room could promptly resume operations after it broke down.

At DKSH, our purpose is to enrich people’s lives. We do so by providing reliable access to high-quality and responsible products and services, creating sustainable value for our partners, and contributing to raising the quality of life in the communities we operate in by generating jobs, perspectives, and opportunities for people’s development and growth.