For the shaving and oral care products, we focused on rebuilding the brands, rejuvenating the network, and strengthening marketing communications. A crucial role was to enhance the brands’ presence in the personal care electrical appliances segment. By redefining the products segment, we were able to shape and target the right marketing approach to reach the right audience.
Rather than focus on imported sales, we decided on expanding the local consumer base, especially with the booming home grooming and hygiene concerns triggered by the pandemic. As we found that electronic personal care consumers still preferred experiencing the products and sharing users’ experiences with the promoters before buying, we transformed promoters into products consultants to teach consumers to be “professional” stylists themselves.
Leveraging the celebrity effect was another key approach for the brands during this period. By using a popular all-male pop group to endorse the oral care products, we highlighted the new and creative product features we believed would resonate with the celebrities’ vast number of followers.