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VON ARDENNE provides tailored web coating solutions for today’s most ambitious thin-film applications on polymer films, flexible glass and metal strip. These solutions comprise coating equipment, key technology components and application technology. Our customers benefit from our extensive process know-how and our experience, which we have gained for more than 20 years in roll-to-roll coating, 45 years in magnetron sputtering and 60 years in electron beam technology.


  • Barrier Layers on Polymer Films
  • R2R Coating of Flexible Glass with Functional Layers
  • Thin Functional Layers for LI-ION Batteries
  • Flexible Displays, Flexible Electronics
  • Advanced Window Film
  • Flexible Photovoltaics
  • Decorative Coatings

Key industries

  • Display
  • LI-ION Battery
  • Photovoltaics
  • Energy
  • Automotive
  • Architecture

Available models

The FOSA MX is a web coating system with a modular design. It is ideal for high-volume production and can be configured with up to three coating drums.

Furthermore, it offers an advanced maintenance concept. The FOSA MX is engineered for minimized downtime for complex layer stacks, such as AR and window films.


Key features

  • Single, dual or triple drum configuration
  • Load locks with gate valves for short campaign times
  • Individually pumped compartments
  • Superior maintenance concept

The FOSA MX300/600 is a web coating system based on a modular, expandable and highly customizable platform for a wide range of substrates and applications. It is especially designed for all process and product qualification steps from the laboratory to production.

The system uses the same key components as our web coating systems for industrial production, however at a smaller scale. Thus, our customers can test their applications under laboratory conditions and save time when they scale their products up to mass production.


Key features

  • Flexible arrangement of different process sections and sources
  • Modular process chambers
  • Winding chambers with load locks
  • Configurable for interleaf and thin substrate winding

The FOSA CX is a compact production tool for the roll-to-roll deposition of thin functional layers on polymer films. It is ideal for high-volume production and is optimized for single drum applications.

Furthermore, it benefits from a freely configurable compartment structure and can be maintained easily from two sides. The FOSA CX is engineered for long production campaigns with minimal operator intervention.


Key features

  • Single drum, single chamber  
  • Reverse mode
  • Powerful vacuum pump set

VON ARDENNE has developed the FOSA LabX 330 Glass, a roll-to-roll vacuum coating system optimized for the processing of flexible glass. The system was put into operation in 2016 and is available for demonstrations, sampling and joint product developments. Please contact us if you are interested in taking this opportunity.


Key features

  • Ultra-thin glass, 100 μm thin, flexible and lightweight, perfect for electronic applications
  • Configured for hot ITO deposition
  • Based on practical expertise in roll-to-roll (R2R) handling and coating of flexible glass rolls provided by the main suppliers

The FOBA is a coating system for the roll-to-roll coating of flexible materials. It uses our proven electron beam evaporation technology to deposite functional layers at high rates on polymer film or thin metal foil, for instance for holographic applications, battery applications and nextgeneration packaging.


Key features

  • E-beam evaporation web coater for polymer films and thin metal strip
  • Uses VON ARDENNE E-beam evaporation technology and all types of pre-treatment and sputter sources
  • High-speed coating up to 1000 m/min

Technical specifications

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Key features

Contact us for more information



  • Semiconductor, Solar & Electronics
Von Ardenne

VON AR­DENNE de­vel­ops and man­u­fac­tures in­dus­trial equip­ment for vac­uum coat­ings on ma­te­ri­als such as glass, wafers, metal strip and poly­mer films. These coat­ings give the sur­faces new func­tional prop­er­ties and can be be­tween one nanome­ter and a few mi­crom­e­ters thin, de­pend­ing on the ap­pli­ca­tion.

Our cus­tomers use these ma­te­ri­als to make high-qual­ity prod­ucts such as ar­chi­tec­tural glass, dis­plays for smart­phones and touch screens, so­lar mod­ules and heat pro­tec­tion foil for au­to­mo­tive glass.

We sup­ply our cus­tomers with tech­no­log­i­cally so­phis­ti­cated vac­uum coat­ing sys­tems, ex­ten­sive ex­per­tise and global ser­vice. The key com­po­nents are de­vel­oped and man­u­fac­tured by VON AR­DENNE it­self.

[Von Ardenne, Roll to Roll]