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DKSH designs a comprehensive solution that benefits all partners

Successfully integrating technologies and products to deliver comprehensive yet customized solutions is a DKSH signature capability. This requires market insight, industry-deep vertical expertise, and the business networks of a global operation.

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Scientific Solutions


Malaysia, Singapore

In the cement industry, plants need to control both the chemical composition and the particle size of their cement to meet the required performance specifications and environmental regulations. Also, as energy costs account for nearly 70% of production costs, accurate measurements and analyses are crucial for minimizing reprocessing and, therefore, energy costs.

For Lafarge, one of the world's largest cement manufacturers, a comprehensive solution was designed, that was accurately and seamlessly integrated into the manufacturing process and involved extensive batch testing and careful sample preparation. This solution, which brings together four of our suppliers and customers, used Hielscher ultrasound technology to disperse the cement particles prior to the particle-size analysis with Malvern’s laser diffraction technology. Then, for the chemical analysis, we coupled a Fluxana fusion system to prepare the sample for the chemical analysis with a PanAnalytical x-ray fluorescence detector.

The DKSH solution has been so successful that we subsequently implemented it in other Lafarge plants in the region. All four parties involved in the process have benefited significantly: Hielscher and Fluxana, two small niche manufacturers, found new applications for their products, were introduced to Lafarge, and have gained access to new regional markets. The two global players Malvern and PanAnalytical have grown their market share without having to invest in additional marketing, sales, support, and service resources. And, last but not least, Lafarge gained a customized, seamless, and economical testing solution that can be applied in all its plants, and realizes considerable savings in energy costs. Furthermore, DKSH's regional support and service has also helped Lafarge to reduce its production costs.

Market Expansion Services: benefits for suppliers and customers alike
With DKSH Technology as a trusted partner the customer receives leading-edge technology and professional pre- and post-sales support while suppliers will find new business opportunities.