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Achieving climate-neutral company status in founding marketsDKSH and Plant-for-the-Planet – a flourishing partnership

Carbon reporting and climate-neutrality

Carbon reporting and climate-neutrality

DKSH has entered into a partnership with Plant-for-the-Planet to become a climate-neutral company. After having initiated its carbon reporting in 2018, the Group is further compensating unavoidable emissions from business activities and air travel in its founding markets of Japan, the Philippines, Singapore and Switzerland in 2019.

Climate neutrality means a company’s emissions are balanced by methods of reducing, removing and offsetting carbon.



Tree planting to limit climate change

With carbon emissions reaching record highs, we need to draw down some of the carbon already in the atmosphere and according to the Crowther Lab at ETH Zurich, trees are the most effective and efficient way to do this.

For the program, DKSH will plant around 50,000 trees each year to absorb its carbon emissions in Plant-for-the-Planet’s planting area on the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico. On top of this, DKSH has already set its founding markets climate-neutral with the purchase of CO2 certificates from Gold Standard projects.

Taking responsibility for our business activities

Taking responsibility for our business activities

“As a leading Market Expansion Services provider, our business is built on integrity, trust and reliability. This means that we are actively taking responsibility for our business activities. In combination with the higher transparency in our reporting and initiatives to improve energy efficiency, we are committed to continue stepping up our sustainability efforts in the years to come,” - said Stefan P. Butz, CEO, DKSH on the launch of this partnership.

About Plant-for-the-Planet

The Plant-for-the-Planet children and youth initiative was launched 2007 and its aim is to plant 1,000 billion trees globally with the support of everyone, including companies, governments and civil society. Trees are the most efficient and cheapest way to absorb and store CO2. To achieve this goal, the organization operates a planting area on the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico and the progress is monitored by the Crowther Lab at ETH Zurich.

Additionally, Plant-for-the-Planet empowers children to become Climate Justice Ambassadors. They act as speakers at events, develop climate protection initiatives and motivate others to plant trees.
