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Enriching People’s Lives in Rural Thailand With COVID-19 Testing Facilities Articles

Enriching People’s Lives in Rural Thailand by Bringing COVID-19 Testing Facilities to Them

During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in Thailand, hospitals in major cities were the only places offering COVID-19 testing facilities. This meant that both residents living in urban areas as well as in rural and difficult to reach areas needed to come into the cities to get tested. With the need for tests increasing each day, city hospitals were struggling to keep up.

A leading hospital came up with the idea of setting up modular testing booths to bring testing services to residents in remote areas. They got in touch with DKSH, and we jumped at the opportunity to be able to support our local communities and help combat the virus by bringing this practical solution to life.

Working closely with the hospital, we proceeded to supply and install the modular COVID-19 testing booths in these remote locations. These booths helped hospitals serve local residents and they also helped authorities to ease the overall testing demand for the market’s population. Another benefit was that test results were available to patients much faster than before due to a streamlined process.

At DKSH, our purpose is to enrich people’s lives. We do so by providing reliable access to high-quality and responsible products and services, creating sustainable value for our partners, and contributing to raising the quality of life in the communities we operate in by generating jobs, perspectives, and opportunities for people’s development and growth.