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Virtual reality transforms the reality of future retail Listen with ReadSpeaker

Friday Thoughts

Be it due to an unprecedented health crisis or merely the advancement of technology, virtual and augmented reality tools are changing the way brands reach consumers.

Imagine this: a fashion designer from her living room creates fabrics and alters designs without physically producing them. Digital avatars are decked out to portray how clothes will fit in real life. Finally, the merchandising team, without the need for prototyping, renders a realistic-looking shirt to global customers on the virtual runway.

Read more: What Will the Retail Experience of the Future Look Like?

Dominique Specht

About the author

Dominique Specht joined DKSH in June 2011. He is the Vice President, Group Marketing & Business Development (HOS), overseeing DKSH’s Marketing activities globally and Business Development for Business Unit TEC’s Hospitality Business Line. Over the past 20 years he has been working in international environments, focused on Africa, Asia as well as Central and Eastern Europe.